Who we ARE

What we DO

  • Who Are We?

    Impact Performance is a Strength and Conditioning company based in Truro, Nova Scotia and located at 21 Brunswick Street. We work with competitive athletes, recreational athletes and personal training clients interested in general fitness or rehabilitation. We are passionate about long term athletic development, physical fitness and second phase injury rehabilitation.

  • Our Vision.

    To build a community of individuals dedicated to the pursuit of health, fitness and performance; so that together we may strive for mastery and realizing our potential.

  • Our Mission.

    We believe that our ability to achieve is truly remarkable and that everyone has the ability to unlock hidden potential within themselves. We will provide our clients and athletes with the very best training programs to prepare them to meet adversity and achieve their ultimate sport or fitness related goals. We will strive to become better as coaches ourselves to provide our community with training interventions that are built on practical application, scientific literature, critical reasoning and years of experience.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”